Cruising through life with a camera, healthy appetite, and endless gadget lust.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What Fresh Hell Is This?!
In my ongoing culinary tour of Japan, I frequently encounter new flavours and am usually pleasantly surprised. Not 10 minutes earlier, I was in the discount shop across the road and since I'm always on the lookout for new things, I saw a new soft drink sitting on the shelf bearing the label "Chocolate Sparkling".

Intrigued, and most likely against all better judgment, I decided to try it. I fully expected a new taste sensation and admit that I imagined it to be "interesting" at best and terrible beyond words at worst.

Unfortunately, this was one of those rare occurrences where I discover that my sense of adventure has led me astray. There is definitely a chocolate-like aroma and flavour but then you stop and wonder how they managed to get it to smell and taste like it does. There is also a very odd sensation once you drink it. You know that slightly oily, dare I say creamy, sensation in your mouth after you eat some chocolate? Why is it also in a soft drink that contains absolutely no chocolate?

No, sir. I will not be buying this bottled elixir of devil piss again. Suntory does make some most excellent beverages and their Malts beer is a personal perennial favourite but this gustatory affront deserves nothing more than a withering glance.



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