Cruising through life with a camera, healthy appetite, and endless gadget lust.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Asleep?! In MY Class?!
As any teacher in Japan will tell you, students sleeping in class is commonplace. How they are dealt with depends on the individual teacher and the student could be given a smack upside the head or be simply left alone to his dreamtime musings.

Near the end of my communication class today, one student (who is usually reasonably attentive) fell into a very deep slumber. So deep that I could take a photo, with flash, about a foot from his face, put it in a PowerPoint file and then tell everyone quite loudly what the homework for the week was, and still remain completely dead to the world.

Next, I told everyone that they could leave and to do so quietly. My student remained firmly entrenched in his slumber well after the next class arrived and awoke to find himself surrounded by unfamiliar students and a new teacher.

Am I evil?
You can see him sleeping in corner after his classmates left, and his picture in my homework PowerPoint (which he unfortunately missed)



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