Cruising through life with a camera, healthy appetite, and endless gadget lust.
Friday, June 25, 2010
After the sudden onset of camping madness coupled with my friend's skill in the bbq culinary arts, I've been scouring the web in search of recipes to try for my next grilling expedition.

The wonders of stumbleupon also presented to me a fine example of preparing beef (particularly tough cuts) for roasting or grilling. This involved salting the heck out of the meat for up to an hour. The reasons behind this are threefold. First, the salt breaks down the proteins thus making even tough cuts more tender. Two, the salt draws water out of the meat to the surface, mixes with the salt and then, through osmosis, goes back down to flavour the meat. Three, well, there is no three. Before roasting, the meat is washed off and, in my case, flavoured further with a spice rub.

I also used the drippings to make a gravy to go along with the roast beef and mashed potatoes. The ends were quite crusty but the center was nice and pink. Not over-cooked and still quite moist.

All in all, quite a successful first try at making a roast dinner. It passed the wife test and I shall be making this at again home as well as during future camping trips perhaps with different rubs.

Tonight's dinner brought to you by this and this.

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